- Type: Conference paper;
Authors: Caniato, M., Marzi, A., Gasparella, A.;
Title: Multi-storey wooden buildings: an overview of European Projects and the BIGWOOD project presentation.
Conference: Proceedings of 2020 International Congress on Noise Control Engineering, INTER-NOISE 2020;
Description: this paper presents European Projects that deal with wood building issues. The approach focuses on projects that aim to create a network for builders and experts in timber construction and to raise awareness of their advantages and energy efficiency considerations.
- Type: Journal paper;
Authors: Caniato,M., Bettarello,F., Bonfiglio, P., Gasparella, A.;
Title: Extensive investigation of multiphysics approaches in simulation of complex periodic structures
Journal: Applied Acoustics
Description: The acoustic performance of complex periodic structures is of paramount importance in sustainable constructions. In this paper an extensive investigation of numerical approaches accuracy is proposed and applied to complex periodic timber structures.
doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apacoust.2020.107356
- Type: Journal paper;
Authors: Bettarello, F., Gasparella, A., Caniato, M.;
Title: The Influence of Floor Layering on Airborne Sound Insulation and Impact Noise Reduction: A Study on Cross Laminated Timber (CLT) Structures
Journal: Applied Sciences
Description: This work presents the results obtained by in field measurements developed using different sound sources (tapping machine, impact rubber ball, and airborne dodecahedral speaker) on Cross Laminated Timber floors, changing different sound insulation layering (suspended ceiling and floating floors).
doi: https://doi.org/10.3390/app11135938
- Type: Conference paper;
Authors: Caniato, M., Marzi, A., Gasparella, A.;
Conference: Proceedings of the 27th International Congress on Sound and Vibration, July 11-16, 2021; ICSV21.
Description: this paper presents European Projects that deal with wood building issues. The approach focuses on projects that aim to create a network for builders and experts in timber construction and to raise awareness of their advantages and energy efficiency considerations.
- Type: Conference paper;
Authors: Marzi, A., Gasparella, A.;
Conference: Proceedings of the 27th International Congress on Sound and Vibration, July 11-16, 2021; ICSV21.
Description: A literature research was carried out to collect the data in literature related to the different layers that characterize the timber frame. The aim was to set up a database based on the information collected from the different studies and to understand how the variation within the identified ranges affected the final simulated result.
- Type: Journal paper;
Authors: Caniato, M., Bettarello, F., Granzotto, N., Marzi, A., & Gasparella, A.
Title: A comprehensive vibroacoustic investigation of a cross laminated timber floor
Journal: Construction and Building Materials, 322, 126303.
Description: In recent years, the use of sustainable construction materials has increased significantly. It is of paramount importance to increase the general knowledge of acoustic behaviour of these materials. This research presents the results of a comprehensive acoustic investigation of a 200 mm timber slab. Excitations using different acoustic sources are performed. The results to this investigation are reported in this paper, focusing on the sound reduction index, impact noise reduction, static and frequency-dependant Young’s modulus, vibration and modal mapping and radiation efficiency. Finally, a correlation between impact noise levels caused by the tapping machine and the rubber ball is provided.
Link: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0950061821040332
Type: Journal paper;
Authors: Granzotto, N., Marzi, A., & Gasparella
Title: Cross-Laminated Timber Floor: Analysis of the Acoustic Properties and Radiation Efficiency
Journal: Applied Sciences, 12(7), 3233
Description: Cross-Laminated Timber (CLT) is a building technology that is becoming increasingly popular due to its sustainable and eco-friendly nature, as well as its availability. Nevertheless, CLT presents some challenges, especially in terms of impact noise and airborne sound insulation. For this reason, many studies focus on the vibro-acoustic behavior of CLT building elements, to understand their performance, advantages and limitations. In this paper, a 200 mm CLT floor has been characterized in the laboratory, according to ISO standards, by three noise sources: dodecahedron, standard tapping machine and rubber ball. In order to understand the vibro-acoustic behavior of the CLT floor, measurements through the analysis of sound pressure levels and velocity levels, measured by dedicated sensors, were performed. Analysis was carried out in order to understand what is prescribed by the prediction methods available in the literature and by the simulation software. Then, a specific prediction law for the CLT floor under investigation was derived. Finally, an analysis on sound radiation index is provided to complete the vibro-acoustic study.
Link: https://www.mdpi.com/2076-3417/12/7/3233
Type: Journal paper;
Authors: Caniato, M., Gasparella, A., Bettarello, F., Santoni, A., Fausti, P., Granzotto, N., F.X.Bécot F.Chevillotte, L.Jaouen, G.Borello, O.Robin ,N.Atalla
Title: A reliability study concerning the acoustic simulations of timber elements for buildings. Construction and Building Materials
Journal: Construction and Building Materials, Volume 315, 10 January 2022
Description: Engineered wood constructions and timber buildings are rapidly developing, while the numerical techniques usable for their sound insulation properties are various and often still under development. This research constitutes a first step towards the reliability determination of building acoustics simulations on timber-based elements. A small scale round robin involving five research laboratories is presented. The results obtained show significant deviations depending on the chosen numerical method and indicate how laboratory measurements could not be approximate with a good accuracy. Finally, a sensitivity analysis is presented and challenges as well as requirements for reliable timber structures acoustic predictions are discussed.
Link: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S095006182103498X
Type: Journal paper;
Authors: M.Caniato, A. Marzi, S. Monteiro da Silva, A. Gasparella
Title: A review of the thermal and acoustic properties of materials for timber building construction
Journal: Journal of Building Engineering, 2021, 103066,
Description: Nowadays, there is a vast need to calculate performances of timber constructions. Usually, simulations are implemented to predict buildings elements final performances. Here, the thermal and acoustic parameters necessary to simulate the performances of timber buildings elements are investigated. These data are need as input information for simulations. Anyway, at present literature does not provide a unified view and it lacks an overall vision. Furthermore, in this paper the material properties used as starting points for simulation methods are collected, compared and catalogued in order to produce a complete dataset, useable for acoustic and thermal simulation in timber buildings.
Link: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352710221009244?via%3Dihub